My illustrations and ideas are aimed at an adult audience and includes critical topics about politics, sex, religion, etc. My characters are different, so everyone in my target audience can find themselves in one of the bunnies. The idea for the future would be to create a serie with multiple episodes. The characters all know each other from their school days, so the beginning of the series will show the bunnies when they were close friends in highshool. With the advancing age, the interests and fates of the rabbits split. In later episodes, the baby bunny would be added as a new character. Now you might ask yourself, „Why is the professor so old when they all went to school together?“ this is because this character has become enchanted and is now stuck in the body of a 60-year-old.
Aldrian Michael
Janet Brandstetter B.A.
Jasmin Brandstetter
He provides the group with everything they need, the baby with baby food, the Charming
Lady with tobacco, weed and crack, the magician and the professor with everything unattainable for a
mortal and the cheerleader with the new gossip. He was already dealing in school and brings up the
subject of drugs.
Charming Lady
Mysterious, charming, lots of life experience, quiet, sexy, seductive,
direct. This character addresses the taboo issues associated with sex.
Popular but not superficial, always cheerful, athletic, motivated and has a
little crush on the dealer.
Crazy, hectic. Fixes and improves everything. He is constantly in his laboratory
experimenting. His role models are Albert Einstein and Issac Newton.
Loner, mystical, mysterious, enigmatic. Argues/discusses often with the professor, as
the professor tries to explain everything with logic. Thus, the mage would relate more to the topic of
religion and the professor to science and evolution.
Baby Bunny
As babies are: Cute; dependent; constantly puts himself in danger if let out of
sight; everyone tries not to be the babysitter.
To get into the topic of character design, you first need to understand what it means. According to my
research, I would describe it as a the process of creating a complete character with a personality and
specific behaviors. First, you have to consider some important steps in the creation process and ask
yourself questions such as where does your character live and which environment does he evolve in, which
influences does you character has, etc. In this way, you create a person who could exist in real life.
following questions should be considered before you start illustrating:
- Which nation does my
character belong to?
- With which social environment does he surround himself, is he a loner or
rather socially inclined.
- What story do I want to tell? Should my character be a leader or rather a
What makes a character design good or bad? It does not matter how much effort you put
into your work. Final Fantasy characters are very detailed and are examples of good design, but even
simpler characters like Snoopy or Mickey Mouse are excellent characters. Character design is a subjective
concept and varies from artist. Indeed, the distinction between colors, silhouette and exaggeration is
Which colors should be used to differenciate your character? Colors, as in many
things, play a very important role. They serve not only for recognition, but should also be pleasant to
look at. Likewise, the color alone can say a lot about the person, for example, red is used for warriors
or seductive people.
This involves deciding what shape I want to give my character. Is he rather small and
fragile, a strong giant, human or an animal. The more unusual the silhouette, the more special and
expressive the character, because after all, you want to create a distinctive fictional person.
It is probably the most important feature. Exaggeration is the deliberate use of
certain features to develop an emotional and psychological bond with the character. This feature can
make the viewer like or dislike a character.